Advertise with The BMW Club

Commercial (Business) advertisers click here

Private adverts ("Mutual Aid") Read On

We run private adverts for motorcycles and related items in our monthly magazine The Journal. All our members receive a copy of the magazine by post every month. To place an advert in the magazine is relatively simple and it is free if you are a member (if you are not a member then you can still place an advert but you have to pay £16 per edition - if you intend to place more than one advert then it makes sense to simply join the club and get free adverts of course).

Please read these rules for placing an advert:

  • The advert should be less than 70 words long (email addresses and telephone numbers count as 2 words each regardless of punctuation in them) and NEVER as long as 100 words
  • You cannot control the formatting of the text (it will be plain text except the first few words which will be bold - this is automatic)
  • It can be accompanied by ONE digital image which you will be asked to email to the team separately
  • The deadline for acceptance of an advert is the 5th of the month for the following month's edition (that means you need to get it submitted in advance of this so any questions about your submission, and indeed any payment if you are not a member, can be sorted before the 5th)
  • The editorial team's decision about suitability of an advert is final - they also reserve the right to edit the advert wording and/or image.

The following conventions will also be applied (so better you apply them yourself when typing the advert):

  • If you forget to put your contact details then your email address will be added to the end of the advert by the team
  • Your location will be added to the end of the advert in brackets (this is in case people want to offer to collect the item from you - essential for bikes of course)
  • When selling a BMW bike, the model should be the first thing in the listing and you do not need to state "BMW..."
  • The title of the advert will be in bold and will be the first 5 words or up to the first full stop (whichever is shorter)
  • If in doubt, have a look at adverts in the recent Journals and see how they look.

The simplest way to request an advert is to use this form - it is not fool-proof as far as the word count goes but is near enough, the editorial team will then get in touch with you to either confirm which edition your advert will appear in or to clarrify any points:

Mutual Aid Advert Request Form

We are currently compiling the adverts for the September edition. You have until the 5th August to submit adverts to make that edition.

About you
leave empty if not a member

(we will contact you with details of how you pay)
Your advert

(minimum 10 words, anything more than 70 likely to be trimmed - absolute max 100)

Your advert will appear roughly like this:

Tick this box if you would like to email me the photo because it is too big to upload.

Have you remembered:
  • To include your contact details in the advert?
  • To include the price(s) of the item(s) you are selling?
  • To mention postage (if appropriate)?
  • To click the Submit button (below) to send the advert to us!

Commercial adverts

We have over 3,000 members and we post a copy of our full-colour A4 magazine to them every month. These members are obviously keen on this wonderful make of motorcycle so if your products or services would appeal to them then why not advertise with us.

You can have a graphical advert in the Journal (1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or full page) which is suitable for premium companies or you can run a text-only advert in our Small Business Ads section which is more suited to small businesses. All the magazine adverts can be inserted for any number of editions, the more editions you pre-pay for the better the discount you will attract.

As you can see at the foot of this page we also have adverts on our web site as well as on our Forum site.

The current rate cards for both types of advert (graphical and text) are downloadable by clicking these links:

pdf logo
Graphical Ads rate card
pdf logo
Small Business Ads rate card

All our commercial advertising attracts further discount if you offer a discount to our members. On the whole we try to match the discount you offer (so if you give our members 10% off your services or products then we will give you an extra 10% off your advertising costs for example).

As an added incentive to offer a discount we also run a Member's Discount scheme which is a page or two of the Journal listing those companies that offer discounts. You automatically get an entry in this section if you offer our members a discount (even if you don't take out any other advertising with us).

To find out more contact the marketing secretary by email on They will be glad to send you a projection if you provide them with your requirements and any discount you would offer our members (as a percentage), they can even provide a digital copy of the latest edition of the Journal so you can see examples of adverts of the various types and sizes.

Events left in the current Diary = 63
For a complete listing click the Calendar link on the menu above.
  Reiten ride out
  Date: 27/07/2024
  East Anglia
Organised by Reiten to Silver Ball Cafe, Royston, SG8 8BD

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  Meet at Coco's Café for Lunch
  Date: 30/07/2024
Good food at reasonable prices. Contact organiser if attending

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  Dave Morris's Run
  Date: 31/07/2024
Dave's run will be almost certainly be scenic and will involve a destination with good food. Nuff sa

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  Ride in for Lunch
  Date: 01/08/2024
Ride in to meet at noon for lunch

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  Lunch at Kings House
  Date: 01/08/2024

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  Chas's Chips 5
  Date: 01/08/2024
Make the most of the summer evenings and join us for another chip run.

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  Ron's ride to eat
  Date: 03/08/2024
No Information

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  West Kent Vintage Motorcycle Club Intl. Rally
  Date: 04/08/2024
  South East
Should you wish to display your bike outside our Marquee please be there by 09.00. Thank you.

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Regular meets for the next 7 days:-
12:00  Saturday
view details
Country Kitchen
12:00  Sunday
view details
Thatch and Thistle Pub
11:00  Tuesday
view details
Billing Bike Night
18:00  Wednesday
view details
Bridge House Farm
16:00  Thursday
view details
Helicopter Museum
12:00  Thursday
view details


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Exclusive Club Regalia, available nowhere else.

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