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Section News

Yorkshire Section News April 2024

2nd week of the school holidays, so there’ll still be a few knuckleheads around and about, so just take care.  You’ll be out, I expect on one of the days, Thursday 4th April, going to the pub lunch at the Busfeild Arms, that’s at East Morton, Keighley, BD20 5SP .  (www.busfeildarms.com).  Cracking menu, and fine weather to boot, what’s not to like?

Some of us will have enjoyed the first ‘breakfast ride in’ on the 30th March, at the Fiddle Drill café (Goodmanham, near Market Weighton).  Unfortunately arranged too late to get in last month’s journal.  If you let the Social Sec know they’ll put you on the circulation list for such events, and/or sign up for FaceBook.  All being well, I’ll have my NT back in the home stable by then and will have finally got out for a ride on it following knee surgery last year, then followed by that long wet winter!!

Early notice of what looks like being a fun event; the Vintage Beach Race event in Bridlington; no need to schlep all the way to Weston Super Mare, its all here on the Yorkshire Coast.  When; May 10-12th see flyer.  We’ll try to get something arranged for club members to meet up, details if we can make it happen, in next month’s Journal.  There’s also a Car Show and Food Festival. 

Before that though is the National AGM Saturday 27th April, which is something we should try to get to, its our/your club and the AGM is important to set the tone for the future, assess what’s happened/happening now, and generally make member’s views known.  Ok it’s a bit of a trek to get there, The Canberra Club, BB2 7LE, and that’s Blackburn.  Mind you quite a number of Yorks section must live over that side of Yorkshire so it’s not such an ask to get there.  Free sandwich lunch, but you’ll need to book that. 

Talking of Blackburn brings to mind Burnley and Benedictine, but that’s a story for another time.

Also on the horizon will be the 2nd  Wednesday Wobble, scheduled for the 4th Wednesday (to avoid a contretemps with the dreaded U3A!!).  That’ll be the 24th April.  Sorry, I’ve no details available but there’ll be the usual circular from Nick Jones.  If you’re not on the list, contact the Social Sec, or Nick, and that should fix it.

The Bellingham ‘bash’ next month is our 1st camping event of the year.  Martin is running this one so if you’re up for a ramble in Northumberland, real ‘open skies’ country, then check the advert, dust off the camping kit, and let Martin know pronto. 

By now I expect you will have made the necessary booking for the National Rally in Stirling.  I missed last year due to aforementioned surgery so am all set for this one.  All being well the National weekend will be the culmination of a week’s Scottish islands tour, well at least to two islands, Arran and then Islay, and of course popping across from Islay to Jura, so that’s three islands!  I must admit I’m really looking forward to this mini-tour.  The more perspicacious amongst you may well twig that these specific islands generally have a whisky distillery , or two.  Now ain’t that just a coincidence?

Please remember that when you get out for a ride, just stay safe by riding carefully.  Make sure you stay in that ‘Yellow’ or ‘Orange’ zone, and above all watch out for the tin box numpties out there…

James Ingham.

Race the Waves


Website Updated

April 23, 2024

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