Forum Hints and Tips


The BMW Club Forum is just like most forums and bulletin boards and is a great source for all sorts of useful information about BMW bikes, Club events or just to catch up with distant friends.  Just like most forums you are allowed to go and read what other people have written without needing to sign up or anything.  However if you cannot find what you are looking for then do not give up, instead just sign up for a "public" account and you can post a question there and you will soon find a lot of people on there willing to help.

There are areas of the Forum that are hidden from the public and you need to be a BMW Club member to access them.  If you are a BMW Club member you still need to register on the Forum but then you can upgrade your account by providing your membership number and a couple of other details (just to prove you are who you say you are) and then you will be able to access the "Members only" areas.

Here's the link to the forum:

How do I sign up?

You can sign up to the forum by filling in the form at the link below, but before you go there here's some things you need to know:

Upgrading your account