East Anglia Section Committee
2024 - current
Your committee are here to make sure there is plenty to do every year
and like all good committees this takes a few different
roles to achieve.
Each year the section holds an AGM
which is your main opportunity to come along and either
join the committee or at least get to meet and hear them
all in one place at one time - you also (of course) get
to vote on who you would like to fill the various roles.
Here is a list of the roles.
There is no rule to say that one person can only hold
one role and we have found that some of the roles
actually fit together well, for example the National
Committee Rep and the Secretary are roles often
performed by the same person. Similarly we have
also found that some roles can be shared reducing the
burden on any one person (so for example the Social
Secretary role has been shared between two people in the
past very successfully)
Essential members:
- Secretary / Chair
This person organises and chairs any committee meetings and
generally makes sure that when someone says they are
going to do something they don't forget to then do it.
- Social Secretary
Coordinates the social calendar
for the year. They do not run every event but
they are always aware of what events are running and
who is organising them and help those people promote
the event with the help of the web master.
- Treasurer
Fairly obvious, they keep the books on how much we
spend and are in charge of the all important section
cheque book - always keep on the right side of this
person! They are also responsible for submitting the
quarterly returns (so we get capitation money to run
the section with) and annual reports.
- General Committee Members
The committee also has at least 2 general
members who are there to help out throughout the
year especially on some of the bigger events where
we need good reliable assistance organising, setting
up or clearing away.
Other essential roles that are usually done by one of
the above:
- Membership Secretary
Processes all the membership
requests for people in our area and makes sure those
members are registered on the national database.
They also help the Treasurer with the quarterly
returns as they know how many people have joined and
- National Committee Rep
Attends the 2 or 3 National Committee meetings
per year to represent our
section's interests in the national club. They
are also responsible for feeding back news from the
National Committee to the section committee for
- Web Master
Keeps the web site up to date and tries
to make sure it is always fresh (I hope I am
succeeding in that :). This is not usually a voted
on post as there are so few volunteers.
Click here to see
a Photo of the current committee.

Dale Welch ~ General committee
email ~ tbd
Tel: tbd
I hope to take a picture of the new committee at the next committee meeting.
Your Committee
Click to enlarge